I rejected belief in god after a long process of carefully considering the facts.
This sums up my feelings. Only I'm just now starting my careful consideration. Hasn't taken much thigh tbh.
do you want to know why i think people don't believe in god?
well i believe people don't want to believe in god because they are scared.
they know that if they finally do gorge the confidence to believe in him, he might discipline them for their skepticism.
I rejected belief in god after a long process of carefully considering the facts.
This sums up my feelings. Only I'm just now starting my careful consideration. Hasn't taken much thigh tbh.
jehovah's witnesses say it is not their responsibility to report child sex abuse to police unless mandatory reporting legislation is in place.. a victorian inquiry on thursday heard that when a jehovah's witness leader hears allegations of abuse they are directed immediately to contact the society's legal department to check their obligations under state law.. jehovah's witness legal counsel rachel van witsen said elders were not expected to know their legal obligations.. "this is done to ensure elders fully comply with any legal requirements that may be applicable in the state in which they reside," she said.. "in victoria if there was mandatory reporting the immediate advice would be to report that immediately.".
the society's director terrence o'brien said the decision to take the allegations to police lay with the victim.. "without mandatory reporting we don't feel that as ministers of religion that's our obligation to do that," mr o'brien said.. however, the organisation would encourage the victim to report it and would co-operate fully with police, he said.. ms van witsen said elders would make an exception if they felt the child was threatened.. "we would report that to appropriate authorities," she told the inquiry.. "we're about stopping child abuse.".
two ministers have been removed from the society for child sex abuse in 40 years of records, the parliamentary inquiry heard.. http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/2013/04/11/20/59/jehovah-s-witnesses-stay-in-line-on-abuse.
i actually emailed the parliament when I saw that this happened, in case you're interested. They responded and said it was tabled before a different committee, which I assumed meant it is now in queue for consideration. But it's been 2 years and I just emailed them like 3 weeks ago.... So I don't think this is being addressed anymore.
to funny nice job....
Not working..
edit: nvm
it just dawned on me.
the existence of god can't be proved, neither is there evidence of god's inexistence.
so, i'm neither theist neither atheist.
I think the entire problem with this thread rests in these words:
EdenOne: It just dawned on me.
it just dawned on me.
the existence of god can't be proved, neither is there evidence of god's inexistence.
so, i'm neither theist neither atheist.
As per your illustration from the bank: you cannot compare a bank that never existed with a deity whose existence you cannot verify. Sure, if the bank never existed, the story certainly has at least an element of falsity.
In my illustration, the bank represents what evidence has been presented about God. Like the bible, different claims about events of the past. Jesus life. God is the man who goes in with his son. You can't prove these guys don't exist, just like you can't prove God and Jesus don't exist. But the bank never existed. The flood never happened. The biblical Jesus never lived. Nobody was ever healed or resurrected. You get my drift?
sure, you can't disprove God. BUT LITERALLY EVERYTHING ASSOCIATED WITH GOD HAS BEEN. God stands severely discredited, why believe it?
the entire point of God, I might add, is completely lost in a deity that is just gone and doesn't care.
it just dawned on me.
the existence of god can't be proved, neither is there evidence of god's inexistence.
so, i'm neither theist neither atheist.
When I finally crack the equation, the bit that was missing, or absent, had never been there before ... "absent" doesn't have to necessarily be pre-existent.
Man I think you are losing your damn mind.
if you want to believe in God then do it. But all this convoluted stuff? You're just creating your own thing here, and you want it to be true. You aren't going to get validation of it here, your on your own. but hey man, if this is what you believe and you can make sense of it - go for it.
it just dawned on me.
the existence of god can't be proved, neither is there evidence of god's inexistence.
so, i'm neither theist neither atheist.
If Joe says: "there is a deity in the universe", and Jack says: "there is no deity in the universe", let me ask you, who has the heaviest burden of proof?
Science has all the proof in the world that life has developed without a god. There is NO proof that a God ever did a single damn thing. The bible, and God assert there was a flood (as do many cultural legends) science has absolutely disproved this. The evidence in science falls against God by disproving all the crap supposedly associated with God on our planet.
If joe says that he knew a man who broke into a bank with his son and saved everyone inside from a fire, but EVIDENCE shows that the bank doesn't even exist - how can you possibly say joe might be right?
this is exactly what you're doing. People are saying God exists because of things that have been proven untrue, but you're suggesting despite this they might still be right.
it just dawned on me.
the existence of god can't be proved, neither is there evidence of god's inexistence.
so, i'm neither theist neither atheist.
Eden I think your getting absurd.
the science is in: god is the answer.
research shows kids raised with spirituality are happier and healthier in the vulnerable teen years.
why arent we all signing up?.
coftya minute ago
Jonathan - I have contempt faith but I also think it is a mistake to view all religious belief as equally dangerous. As Sam Harris has pointed out nobody goes to bed worrying about Jainist suicide bombers.
There are millions of christians who don't cause me any concern. I wish their children would grow up to be less superstitious than their parents but they are not a serious problem.
I will fairly concede that I'm likely still projecting my anger on religion as a whole. because honestly I am.
the science is in: god is the answer.
research shows kids raised with spirituality are happier and healthier in the vulnerable teen years.
why arent we all signing up?.
I disagree that they aren't all dangerous.
The KKK was partly Christian in origin and had some goals regarding Christianity:
Also on the above link are other examples of Christian extremism.
Have you read about these wars?
You give me enough time and I'll find a huge list of proof that ANY theism is dangerous. If a person does cocain, gets drunk, or par takes in some other chemical dependency; what are the chances that the dependancy might make them harm innocents? The chances exist, but if they do it's likely to be one target in particular for a personal reason.
Now imagine that chemical dependancy is in the form of a delusional egotist who could at any time just get the whim that all of one particular group or all of one certain people should die because it's what God wants. All the millions, all the billions, all the hundreds of thousands who are dependent as as a drug addict to this persons whims will do exactly as they are told in the name of God.
History attests to this Uni. ISIS attests to it right now. These people who blindly follow a book, or a man could randomly just decide God wants them to do something insane. It's far more likely than that drunk ever doing anything to anyone else.